Tuesday 15 September 2015

September School Holiday Program Out Now!

Our very popular school holiday program is back! Discover the Chinese mythology on how the earth began. find out who is Pangu and how it all begin. Along the journey, we will also look at some rock and gems formation and how to classify them. With the goodies that we found on earth, we could create some amazing art pieces through Zentangle, making mould clay figurines and more.

这个假期, 我们要带孩子们回到上古的中国, 看看谁是盘古?,他怎么开天辟地? 谁是女娲? 女娲怎么造人? 我们将和孩子一起神游中国神话。
科学课又来了! 孩子们将探索石头的形成, 挖掘地里的宝藏, Grace 老师将带领孩子们认识宝石分类和鉴定, 还要一起"种水晶"哦!
我们最受欢迎的美术课这次要挑战我们的手眼协调能力, 设计和创造一个上古中国的舞台剧, 
一起来做捏面人和 "Zentangle" 吧! 一齣上古神话故事透过孩子们的创造和想象, 会怎么呈现出来, 我们拭目以待。

Call 6102 2922 or email info@leadereducation.com.au to make a booking or click on the link for a copy of the program and enrolment form.