Tuesday 2 February 2016

Welcome to 2016!

We are all very excited with the start of the school term. Good to see all our children fully charged  and ready to take on more challenge this year.

With the commencement of all classes yesterday term 1 is well underway. This year we welcome our Pre Primary group into our after school program, we are all very proud of what they have achieved last year and is looking forward to have another fun year together.

Our Toddler and kindy rooms are also back in full swing with classes running daily, pop in for a dose of fun and laughter with our little friends, they are full of beans!

We have also welcomed to the team Teacher Elaine Jiang and Teacher Jessica Hong, both very experienced and passionate educator who have been teaching for a number of years. Elaine will be teaching our junior group while Jessica will be working with our senior year group. 

We look forward to working with all of you in 2016!

Tuesday 15 September 2015

September School Holiday Program Out Now!

Our very popular school holiday program is back! Discover the Chinese mythology on how the earth began. find out who is Pangu and how it all begin. Along the journey, we will also look at some rock and gems formation and how to classify them. With the goodies that we found on earth, we could create some amazing art pieces through Zentangle, making mould clay figurines and more.

这个假期, 我们要带孩子们回到上古的中国, 看看谁是盘古?,他怎么开天辟地? 谁是女娲? 女娲怎么造人? 我们将和孩子一起神游中国神话。
科学课又来了! 孩子们将探索石头的形成, 挖掘地里的宝藏, Grace 老师将带领孩子们认识宝石分类和鉴定, 还要一起"种水晶"哦!
我们最受欢迎的美术课这次要挑战我们的手眼协调能力, 设计和创造一个上古中国的舞台剧, 
一起来做捏面人和 "Zentangle" 吧! 一齣上古神话故事透过孩子们的创造和想象, 会怎么呈现出来, 我们拭目以待。

Call 6102 2922 or email info@leadereducation.com.au to make a booking or click on the link for a copy of the program and enrolment form.

Tuesday 30 June 2015

Week 11- Monday- 吃饭去 chī fàn qù (Let’s have a meal)

This week we continued with the theme 吃饭去(chī fàn qù- Let’s have a meal), and watched a short clip about the famous Chinese dumpling-饺子 (jiǎo zi). Next we did the 饺子 (jiǎo zi) craft and became owner of a dumpling restaurant 饺子店 (jiǎo zi diàn), in which we had to design our own advertisement. It was really awesome!

We also read a story from the textbook Mei Zhou Chinese 美洲华语 (měi zhōu huá yǔ) lesson 3- 南瓜灯笼 (nán guā dēng long-Jack O' Lantern). The students were invited to do a recount of the story. It was a very interesting story and we really enjoyed it. 

This was our last lesson for the term and it has been a fabulous term! I would like to wish everyone a restful and wonderful holiday.

Week 10- Monday- 吃饭去 chī fàn qù (Let’s have a meal)

This week we looked at the theme 吃饭去(chī fàn qù- Let’s have a meal), and studied the text from the textbook Mei Zhou Chinese 美洲华语 (měi zhōu huá yǔ) lesson 3- 种鱼 (zhòng yú-planting a fish). It was a very interesting story and we really enjoyed it. We discussed about the story and also learnt the Chinese characters from the story. You may wish to practise the words here

Week 11- Tuesday- All About Me- Teacher Jamie

We started the lesson with singing our warm up song 猜拳歌 (cāi quán gē-finger guessing song). We did a revision on the body parts we learnt this term by playing a puzzle game. You may wish to practise the words here.

Next, we learnt how to introduce ourselves in Chinese and also made our own mini book. You may wish to practise reading the book with your child here.

This was our last lesson for this term and it has been a fantastic term. I would like to wish everyone a wonderful and enjoyable holiday.

Week 10- Tuesday- All About Me- Teacher Jamie

This week we looked at the popular finger guessing game by learning to sing our warm up song 猜拳歌 (cāi quán gē-finger guessing song). The children got so excited with playing the game and realised as well the different sequence and term we used in the game-scissors, paper, rock was actually剪刀jiǎn dāo (scissors)、石头shí tou (rock)、布 bù (cloth) in Chinese.

Next, we listened to a story about how a brother comforted his little sister when she was hurt, and we learnt the words (kū-cry) and (xiào-laugh). Next, we made a little puppet and discussed about different scenarios, and what would our reactions be by using(kū-cry) and (xiào-laugh). The children had fun making the puppets. 

Saturday 20 June 2015

Week 9- Tuesday- Dragon Boat Festival 端午节 duān wǔ jié - Teacher Jamie

Dragon Boat Festival 端午节duān wǔ jié is the fifth day of the fifth lunar month- this year it falls on the 20th of June. For this week, we learnt about the meaning behind this festival, the food and activities that are associated with this festival. 

We learnt a song about this festival:
五月五 过端午 (wǔ yuè wǔ guò duān wǔ)
Fifth day of the fifth month, celebrate dragon boat festival

划龙舟 敲锣鼓 (huá lóng zhōu qiāo luó gǔ)
Row the dragon boat and beat the drum

一二三四五 (yī èr sān sì wǔ)
One two three four five

你来划船我打鼓 (nǐ lái huá chuán wǒ dǎ gǔ)
You row the boat and I beat the drum

粽子 (zòng zi) is a special food eaten during this festival, hence we did a rice dumpling craft. Another popular activity is the dragon boat race. We certainly had a great time decorating our own dragon boat 龙舟 (lóng zhōu).